Stress is deeply rooted in society and women are part of the stress and feel it every now and then. Reproductive health is one of the most important things to manage for women but according to a study, 7% of women are found with PCOs problems which leads to a lot of other health problems. Ayurveda is one of the best things to cure PCOs. There are certain life modifications that can also be done in addition to fastening up the process but “Shatavari” is one of the effective Ayurvedic herbs which is suggested during PCOD/PCOS. How Shatavari helps in curing PCOs? What are the benefits of Shatavari in managing PCOS/PCOD? How to take Shatavari powder during PCOs and many more frequently asked questions are answered below.
What is PCOS exactly?
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance that occurs during the reproductive years. When you are identified with PCOs, you can observe the erratic nature of your periods. Additionally, long-lasting times are possible. It’s possible that your body produces too much of the testosterone hormone. PCOS’s actual cause is uncertain. Early detection and treatment of PCOs, as well as weight loss, may reduce the risk of long-term complications like type 2 diabetes and heart disease as PCOs can turn out to be a long-term problem.

Symptoms of PCOS/PCOD
PCOS symptoms differ. When you experience any of these symptoms, you may have PCOS and you should see a doctor.
- Irregular periods: PCOS is commonly characterized by irregular or infrequent menstrual cycles. Periods that last longer than typical by a few days or more are likewise exceptional. You might, for instance, have less than nine periods annually. These intervals can be as many as 35 days. You might have difficulty getting pregnant.
- Too much androgen: There is too much androgen. Due to excessive androgen hormone, you may feel excessive hair on your body and face. This is known as hirsutism. Severe acne and hair loss can also occur. PCOS, a hormone imbalance that causes infertility, obesity, and abundant facial hair in women, can also cause serious mental health problems such as anxiety, sadness, and eating disorders.
We were shocked to see that monthly irregularities in women with PCOS were the largest predictor of mental health concerns, especially given how many other symptoms, such as beard development and infertility, may make a woman feel unfeminine. PCOS is predicted to affect 6 to 17 million women in the United States between the ages of 18 and 44. One of the most common and repeated reasons for infertility. According to a study, Ayurveda helped people to get cured of their problems, and Shatavari powder can help you get cured of PCOs.
What is Shatavari? And why it is used to manage PCOS?
Shatavari is an asparagus plant that has been utilized in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Shatavari, also known as satavari, satavar, Shataval, or Asparagus racemosus (A. racemosus), is thought to boost fertility and provide a variety of health advantages, especially for the female reproductive system. The plant is regarded to be adaptogenic, which means it may aid in the regulation of the body’s systems and the improvement of resistance to stress.
Most women use Shatavari for curing hormone-related illnesses such as PCOs and infertility. Decrease menopausal symptoms. A tiny study found that using a herbal concoction (basically refers to a food element that is connected with various elements) including Shatavari reduced hot flashes (feverish heat which is sudden) considerably. Shatavari, often known as the female-friendly plant, is an Ayurvedic Rasayana herb. It helps with menstruation problems and functions as a uterine tonic. It promotes breast growth and milk production by controlling hormonal balance. Now let’s look at how shatavari can benefit a female in managing PCOS/PCOD.
What are the benefits of SHATAVARI in managing PCOS?
Shatavari is one of the important herbs in Ayurveda that is recommended in the management of PCOs, not just in PCOs but Shatavari also helps in the management of pre-menopausal syndrome, menopausal syndrome, and in many other gynecological disorders. It is said to be a very powerful herb and also said to be a star herb in Ayurveda.
Shatavari because of its phytoestrogen and estrogen content and the natural estrogens and the natural phytochemicals which are present in Shatavari which are extremely beneficial in PCOS/PCOD to help rectify the hormonal imbalance in PCOs.
In addition, Shatavari is a drug that has powerful benefits on insulin resistance as it promotes a better function of the insulin as insulin is one of the hormones which gets imbalanced during PCOs. Shatavari has very powerful functions of insulin and it helps to improve insulin sensitivity and the way, our body responds to insulin, so It works on one of the root causes of PCOs that way it’s beneficial.
Shatavari also helps in boosting fertility. The herb is basically a very feminine herb it’s given to boost fertility and feminine hormones and to balance the fair female reproductive system. Shatavari powder has that basic inherent powerful impact on the reproductive system. It helps in vitalizing the reproductive system, making it much stronger and helping the outcomes of PCOs. If you or you’re known is dealing with PCOs, Shatavari powder is one of the must-include herbs.
Who Should not consume shatavari powder?
If you have a long back family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or cervical cancer be very careful before you consume Shatavari.
You should go for a clinical examination to eliminate the possibility of developing these cancers. In case you have a family history of these cancers then get yourself investigated correctly, even if it’s a harmless herb but be very careful before you begin to consume it.
It’s always better to have medical supervision before you consume it. If you are suffering from endometriosis then you should not intake shatavari powder at all. Go to a doctor and examine yourself thoroughly before taking shatavari powder.

Other ways to manage PCOS/PCOD
Balanced diet:
Following a better lifestyle that includes a well-balanced diet can help reduce the symptoms of PCOS. Your doctor will recommend a balanced diet that has all of the vital elements in healthy quantities. Please get advice from your doctor. Following are some Dietary recommendations for managing PCOS/PCOD.
- Whole grains like brown rice, millet, oats, green gram beans, yellow pigeon peas, red lentils, and other readily digestible legumes should make up the majority of your diet.
- Include all of the seasonal fruits and veggies in your diet.
- Green tea and other herbal teas, buttermilk, coconut water that is still tender, and fresh fruit liquids are all highly advised.
- Pulses that are difficult to process, such as kidney beans and white chickpeas, should be avoided.
- Reduce consumption of sour curd, stuffed paranthas, baked goods, sprouts, raw salads, and raw veggies.
- It’s not a good idea to consume high-sugar beverages like fizzy drinks, milkshakes, processed fruit juices, Yakult, flavored yogurt, etc.
- Street food, noodles, burgers, pickles, sauces, and jams that have been chemically preserved are all examples of products made with refined flour.
- For getting better benefits from your treatment, aim to limit your intake of potato, cottage cheese, soya, dry red chili, mixed spice powder, and mango powder.
- It would be highly beneficial to avoid or reduce the consumption of animal proteins by half.
Weight management:
Weight loss leads to a reduction in PCOS symptoms such as hair loss, increased body hair, and acne. An improvement in mood can also be noted as a result of the restoration of normal hormone production, which may lead to period management and enhanced fertility. Weight management in the case of PCOS reduced the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
PCOS can be effectively treated with anything that promotes mental and physical relaxation, increases metabolism, and strengthens sexual organs. In PCOS-afflicted women, yoga exercise may help lower testosterone levels and treat the associated symptoms of anxiety and depression. Yoga and meditation are therefore excellent tools for enhancing overall health. Both in terms of prevention and management, yoga has a significant effect on PCOD symptoms. With respect to PCOS specifically, yoga has the ability to aid in weight loss, enhance blood flow to the ovaries, and control endocrine gland activity to balance hormonal levels.
Below is a YouTube video to guide you on best yoda poses for PCOS treatment.
In this article, we have discussed What is Shatavari? What is PCOS/PCOD? and How Shatavari benefits in managing PCOS/PCOD? Comment down below if you are going through this problem or have any questions regarding this topic we would love to answer your questions.
Read this article: Ashwagandha can cure these four diseases!
We at KRSHAK exports are promoting Ayurvedic superfoods like Ashwagandha and Shatavari that have immense benefits for human health.
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