When people ask about supplements for boosting stamina and bodybuilding, Modern options like Beta-Alanine, branched-Chain Amino Acids, HMB, Creatine, and many other bodybuilding medicines used to come to our minds but we never think about the natural sources. The answer to the question “does ashwagandha help in bodybuilding” is obviously “yes” as many studies and research shows that ashwagandha deserves equal attention these days because it contains all the properties of strength-building.
Effectiveness of ashwagandha in bodybuilding
Although the name of this little, evergreen plant is difficult to pronounce, it has become a popular supplement among health influencers. Ashwagandha is what’s known as an ‘adaptogen,’ and it’s considered the ultimate treatment for 21st-century living.
Mina Khan, a pharmacist with training in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, adds, “In other words, it’s a natural ingredient that helps the body adapt to stress.”
For the last 1000 years, the natural medicine ashwagandha is working as a herbal supplement.
It is manufactured from the roots of the Withania somnifera plant in India, and it is considered an adaptogen as it helps our bodies adapt to different environments. In fact, ashwagandha is most distinguished for its ability to relieve tension and anxiety while also restoring “horse strength,” as its name implies.
While its primary effects are well-known, its lesser-known secondary effects on glucose, testosterone, and strength levels make it a valuable addition to your gym bag.
According to this study, ashwagandha supplementation is linked to considerable gains in muscle mass and strength, implying that ashwagandha supplementation may be beneficial when used in combination with resistance training.

Ashwagandha, Muscle Growth, and Strength
Ashwagandha is a potent plant used in Ayurvedic medicine, is one of the world’s oldest medicinal systems, with a history of use dating back to AD 6000.
Herbalists say that the plant’s bioactive chemicals have ‘anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects’ which can help reduce stress and anxiety, enhance testosterone levels, and possibly treat the symptoms of certain disorders.
The herb has been signified to improve muscle mass, reduce body fat, and increase strength in men, so it could help you get more out of your workouts.
In a study of 57 males, consuming ashwagandha resulted in “substantial improvements in muscular mass and strength” and more than quadrupled (four times), their body fat percentage decreases when compared to a placebo group (A placebo is a treatment that is used in clinical trials to determine whether or not a treatment is helpful). It is most commonly working in medication research.
Another study found that the males who are healthy took one gram of ashwagandha per day for continuously 30 days improved their muscle strength. “Ashwagandha’s quality also makes it beneficial for recuperating (to get well again after an illness or injury) from weakness during any post-illness.
Research and other studies regarding ashwagandha’s help in muscle growth
Twelve trials including men and women who took ashwagandha doses ranging from 120 mg to 1,250 mg per day were included in one review.
The findings say that the plant can enhance physical performance, such as strength and oxygen expenditure during exercise.
Male participants who took 600 mg of ashwagandha per day and did weight training for 8 weeks had considerably larger improvements in muscle strength and size, according to one study.
Men who intake 500 mg of standardized root extracts of ashwagandha exhibited better speed and higher body muscular strength in an 8-week controlled experiment.
Other advantages of ashwagandha in bodybuilding
- More significant strength gains on the bench press and leg extension
- Considerable muscle growth in the arms and chest
- Much less exercise-induced muscle damage (i.e., better recovery)
- Higher increases in testosterone levels
- Greater fat loss

Helps in losing fat
A few studies have connected ashwagandha supplementation to fat loss. A pair of interesting studies (one on beginners and the other on people with binge-eating disorder) have claimed that ashwagandha aids fat loss.
It’s true that ashwagandha can help us lose weight, it’s also crucial to note that it may not be able to do so on its own.
In one study, professional Indian cyclists were divided into two groups: one received 500 mg capsules of aqueous Ashwagandha roots twice daily.
Ashwagandha showed significant gains in aerobic capacity after eight weeks. However, neither group showed any improvement in fat oxidation.
One final point to mention is Ashwagandha’s effect on thyroid function. Ashwagandha appears to boost T3 and T4 levels in subclinical hypothyroid patients, two hormones that are important for body temperature and metabolic health, among other things.
For effective fat loss, these hormones must be at optimal levels. However, in those with hyperactive thyroids or those who are taking thyroid medication, Ashwagandha may be ineffective or even hazardous.
Is ashwagandha natural bodybuilding?
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), sometimes known as Indian Ginseng, is a natural alternative to synthetic supplements commonly used by bodybuilders.
The herb’s roots are considered a Rasayana, or rejuvenator, in Ayurveda, and are said to improve health, longevity, and revitalization of the body.
After meals, for example, is the optimal time to take Ashwagandha for bodybuilding. To see an improvement, you should take 750-1250 mg twice a day for at least 30 days, according to medical guidelines.
Taking 750–1,250 mg of ashwagandha per day for 30 days had similar results. In as little as eight weeks, daily doses of 500 mg of ashwagandha may give minor increases in muscle growth and strength.

Is Ashwagandha better taken in the morning or at night?
Ashwagandha can be consumed both in the morning and at night! The best time to take the herb is determined by the purpose for which you are using it.
In general, ashwagandha should be taken on an empty stomach or shortly after dinner before going to bed. According to experts, you can refer to the following “universal” purposes to better understand it.
If you take ashwagandha in the morning, it should be taken on an empty stomach with a cup of warm milk. And, whether you take it in the middle of the day or at night, always take it at least one hour after your meals.
The time required is mostly determined by the goal of your consumption. For example, after a meal is the optimal time to take Ashwagandha for bodybuilding. According to medical guidelines, you should take 750-1250 mg twice a day for at least 30 days to observe an improvement.
How to take ashwagandha
It is critical to consume Ashwagandha in the appropriate way and at the right time in order to reap the most benefits from it. To learn more about this amazing herb, read about The History Of Ashwagandha In Ayurveda.
Ashwagandha is a stress reliever that can increase your stamina and vigor. The cortisol-regulating property of ashwagandha not only regulates your metabolism but also enhances your metabolic rate and ability to fight infections.
You can check out this article on How to intake ashwagandha, the topic might differ but the tips given will definitely help.

So, is ashwagandha beneficial for bodybuilding?
Multiple studies have shown that Ashwagandha has potential benefits in terms of muscular growth, fat loss, strength, and power production.
Sure, Ashwagandha has been demonstrated to assist people to gain muscle mass and increase their power output during specific exercises.
With studies reaching back to the 1960s and 1970s, ashwagandha is one of the most thoroughly researched adaptogens available. During that time, scholars compiled a list of advantages which we’ve mentioned in the above article.
Many people can benefit from the herb ashwagandha. Its ability to relieve stress can considerably improve one’s quality of life.
It may also have bodybuilding-related effects, such as promoting fat loss and muscle gain. To determine its long-term consequences on gains, more research is required.
Because of its various characteristics and potent components, Ashwagandha is known as the “Queen of Herbs” in Ayurveda. However, while taking any of the magical herbs, including this one, you must follow the “Too much is too much” rule.
Keep your intake under control and closely adhere to the time constraints. Learn about all of the Ashwagandha formulations and how to use them wisely!
And the answer to the question “does ashwagandha help in bodybuilding” is yes.
Also, read 12 proven benefits of ashwagandha for students.
And also know Why Ashwagandha Is So Popular?
We at KRSHAK exports are empowering the Farmers and empowered by the farmers in the production of the top quality Ashwagandha Roots and Powder.
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